Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How I had predicted certain events and outcomes through School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI.

I am in the process of looking for employment and I am working on my own business idea at present. On Sunday December 13th 2015, I had typed up a PDF file titled: SOTRI basic business model. I was scheduled to meet with a business adviser regarding my proposed business idea - School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, on Monday December 14th 2015. I had created the PDF file as aforementioned, to take with me to show the adviser.

Here are some of the things I had written in my PDF file.

I am following SOTRI myself, as a self-experiment of sorts. I have become smarter and more creative, more confident etc through the research, learning and training I am doing through my school. My work will testify to this fact.

Here is one of the 10 bullet points I had written in my PDF file.

  • The key word here is 'remote'. I promote remote working, freelancing, independent contracting.
I was not chosen to be in the new enterprise allowance scheme. My adviser told me that I needed to do more research for my proposed SOTRI business. I agree with his advice. If anyone is interested in reading my PDF file, please feel free to contact me via my e-mail address: 


Here's how I had predicted certain events and outcomes through SOTRI.

Yesterday, Monday December 14th 2015, I had received a call back from one of the jobs I had applied to. The company I had applied to provides web sites and related products and services to small and mid sized businesses. The director of the company was considering hiring me on a freelance basis for independent sales development work in the new year, 2016. My bullet point above, proves that I had intuitively predicted an event happening in the future. I keep a record of the RI work that I do and I also document my ideas in PC files. I suggest to my students that they do the same. It's a worthwhile process to undertake. You can keep a track of how your RI is working when you do this.

I had written about independent contracting in my ATO consulting blog a while back too. Even though I did not get approved to be in the new enterprise allowance scheme, I am still confident that SOTRI does work, and it works well too. I will grow SOTRI independently and organically. Article 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, states the following:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

I believe I can help myself, others, events, situations and outcomes through the research, learning and training I am undertaking through SOTRI. This is part of what I believe. Therefore, I will continue my work with SOTRI. Regardless of whether I ever receive funding for SOTRI or not, I will still provide my research, consulting, freelance, independent contracting work for clients, as this is part of the work I provide though the SOTRI umbrella, and it is part of my belief system as well.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Remote Influencing (RI) consulting Vs , or as an adjunct to Life Coaching.

In my book, The Remote Influencer 2, I wrote a chapter about Life Coaching and Remote Influencing (RI). In this chapter, I wrote about the connections between RI and Life Coaching. I believe RI consulting can go hand in hand with Life Coaching. They can both mutually benefit each other and they can compliment each other too.

Life Coaching has its roots in executive coaching and financial planning. Most new systems evolve out of existing systems. Or, they are off shoots or spin off''s from existing systems or ideas. Please look out for my previous posts on RI consulting. My RI consulting, coaching and training services would fall under the name: The Remote Influencer Consulting Solution - TRICS. It's quite a long name. To simplify it, the work would be deemed as Remote Influencing consulting. I sense that there will be other RI practitioners offering their RI consulting and coaching services over the course of time. This is a good thing. 

In my RI consulting solution, I aim to help the client to become an RI consultant unto him/her self. They would be encouraged to play the following roles: Researcher, Consultant, Coach, Teacher and Trainer. They can play these roles for themselves and for others. I have added elements of 'train the trainer' to TRICS. When it comes to the research aspect, I advocate independent self directed learning for the client. There is much to learn when it comes to RI. This learning does not have to be stressful. It should be enjoyable and it should not seem like a burden. The RI body of knowledge is continually expanding. It is not bound by dogma and it is not rigid. The rules are not set in stone. 

The key word here is 'Remote'. RI consulting can be done online, over the phone - as in life coaching, and e-therapy, skype, fax. social media, instant messaging and in person if necessary. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Remote Influencer Training Program - TRITP open source product.

In this post, I am going to write about my motivations for wanting to offer TRITP and some of my other PDF digital download products as 0 cost open source offerings. I can send more info on TRITP as per your request. I recently discovered through my research, that TRITP, School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, and my other proposed business offerings would all fall under the human resources -  HR learning and development umbrella.

I am offering TRITP at a very reasonable price via my facebook ATO consulting DOT COM  web site. However, I have also decided to offer TRITP as an open source download, or a physical download product at 0 cost as mentioned above. I am sure most people would prefer the open source version. It depends on which version people prefer. If you would like a physical version which you can hold in your hands, I can mail one over to you - via postal mail. I would ask for postage costs in this scenario though - I would not charge for the product itself. Or, I could e-mail you over the PDF file. The advantage to this option is that you would not have to wait for the product to arrive. It can arrive to your e-mail address within a few minutes or less. This would be the case even if you are on the other side of the world. This is the power of technology for you.

TRITP and my other offerings are digital products. I will define digital products below.

Digital product definitions.

In electronic commerce, digital goods is a general term that is used to describe any goods that are stored, delivered and used in its electronic format. Digital goods are shipped electronically to the consumer through e-mail or download from the internet.

Examples of digital products include e-books, music files, software, digital images, manuals in electronic format, and any goods which can be electronically stored in a file or multiple files.



Some good examples of such goods are music albums, e-books and software.



Paypal defines digital goods as goods that are sold, delivered, and used in an electronic format. This could include, but is not limited to, e-books, music files, videos, software, digital images, manuals in electronic format and virtual goods that may be sold in the context of a game.



Open source beyond software.

At a press conference earlier this month, Wordpress founder Matt Mullenweg told attendees, 'not just software, but everything should be open source'.

Apparently, he's not the only person who thinks this, because open source philosophy is spreading far beyond the software industry.



At opensource.com, we like to say that we're interested in the ways open source can be applied to the world beyond software.

The world is full of  'source code' - blueprints, recipes, rules - that guide and shape the way we think and act in it. We believe this underlying code ( whatever its form ) should be open, accessible, and shared - so that many people can have a hand in altering it for the better.



In essence, I am sharing the findings of my research to the world at no cost. I developed my digital products through solid research. I am impressed with the open source philosophy. I will conduct some more research into open source as part of my ongoing research project. In regard to the open source aspect of TRITP, SOTRI etc, if users of my products were to come up with unique ideas of their own, in regard to these products, they are more than welcome to share these ideas with me. This way, TRITP and SOTRI can continue to evolve and improve over the course of time.

Through analyzing my products, I came to realize that an adept self directed learner, or people that are willing to develop their self directed skills, could do their own research into the areas I have covered in my products, and they too would end up becoming more powerful through their efforts.

I have found that TRITP and SOTRI have worked extremely well for me. I have become smarter, more creative, more powerful and a better leader through the use of these digital products. I now want to share this knowledge with others. I also like the fact that my work is done online. I do not have to use paper in my work. My work is environmentally friendly.

I would not charge clients for the download products. I would only charge clients reasonable fees if they wanted to purchase consulting, support, training, coaching services related to my digital product offerings.

If you would like to receive the TRITP and SOTRI pdf digital download products at 0 cost via e-mail, please shoot an e-mail over to me: anand@schooloftheremoteinfluencer.com

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, solutions to address school bullying.

Bullying is a widescale issue which needs addressing. It happens in schools and in the workplace. In fact, it happens in many areas of life. In this article, I will be focusing upon school bullying and my proposed solutions to this problem.

People say that bullying in schools is a normal rite of passage. I do not agree with this statement. Research has shown that bullying can lead to many psychological and even physical health problems. People have even committed suicide as a result of bullying. Many schools seem to turn a blind eye to the bullying issue. I grew up in the UK. I attended high school in the UK. When I first started high school, I had high aspirations. I wanted to study hard to become a scientist when I was older. My dreams were squashed. Bullying was the reason for this. I endured severe and repeated bullying in my first year at high school. I took the bullying without fighting back in the first year. From the second year onward, I began fighting back and defending myself. I devoted time to physical training, martial arts and boxing training. I did these things as a way to prepare myself for the bullies. The sad thing was that my education suffered as a result of the time I had been spending in my physical training. How is a student expected to learn when they are being bullied on a daily basis?

My bad experiences at high school had made me lose trust in formal educational environments. I wish I had been home schooled. This is one of the reasons I created School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI. 

Here are my proposed solutions to address school bullying.

  • Parents and members of the community should form  private patrol groups for the school. This can be done outside the school grounds after school. Many acts of bullying occur after school.
  • Bullying support groups could be created at school.
  • Anti bullying seminars could be set up in the community. Bullies and their victims could attend the seminar/s. 
  • Tough drill sergeant types should be brought in to school to talk to the bullies and to show the bullies how it feels to be bullied - I based this idea upon one of the solutions implemented through the Montel Williams show.
  • Educational videos relating to the bullying problem can be shown at schools.
I hope my solutions were of help to you. These solutions could be modified and/or improved upon if necessary. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI and Independent Scholars.

I don't believe in labelling things per se. I have found that SOTRI is many things. It is not bound by dogma and it is evolving over the course of time. It is not afraid of, and it welcomes change and growth. 

I developed my Remote Influencing (RI) system through a process of independent research and self directed learning. In fact, this work - ( I call my independent research, learning and training, work ), is ongoing. I am adding to the RI body of knowledge on a continuous basis. I would say that I am an independent scholar and an independent researcher. Like universities, I am doing my scholarly work through SOTRI.

What is an Independent Scholar?

An independent scholar is anyone who conducts scholarly research outside universities and traditional academia. 

Source: Wikepedia

A person who works outside traditional academia in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Source: yourdictionary.com

Someone who learns is a scholar, though the word also means someone with a lot of knowledge
in one subject.

A learner who is enrolled in an educational institution.

Source: vocabulary.com

Here is some great information on Independent Scholars.

"How are we supposed to evaluate whether someone's independent/'off the grid' contributions are worthwhile?" This is pretty simple: YOU READ THE WORK! If you are evaluating someone in the context of reviewing a manuscript, or a grant proposal, or on a hiring committee, you read their work and decide if it is good. If you don't have the skills or knowledge or time to do this, you have no business evaluating them. If you are simply going to say, "Well, this person got tenure at such-and-such University, I guess they must be good," you're not doing your job.

Many independent scholars have consciously made the choice to have a smaller paycheck, and less job security, because the greater independence and flexibility is worth it to them. These people are perfectly aware of the consequences of their choices, and are willing to take responsibility for them.

The idea that you can't do scholarship if you're not at a University is like saying you can't practice law if you're not in a skyscraper in Manhattan. Now, the path for how to pursue a career in independent scholarship is not as clearly laid out as the paths that lead to becoming a public defender, or starting your own law firm. This is why I believe that "support groups" are valuable, so that people who are interested in developing new models for scholarship can discover and share what works.

Source: ronin institute

I have to agree with ronin institute. The path to pursuing independent scholarship is not an easy task to initiate. I have found that I learned how to pursue my scholarship through trial and error and through learning from mistakes. I would say that it's a personal mission for every independent scholar. It's a path well worth pursuing. Society can benefit from the work of independent scholars. This is part of what motivates me with this work. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to send me the data for the SOTRI survey via e-mail.

I had written a post about an online survey I had created for School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI. This post was placed into my blog on June 18th 2015. I thought it might be a good idea to provide more info on how respondents can send me the data for this survey via e-mail. I find this method the most convenient and the most cost-effective way to send data.

Here are the instructions.

If you visit the site which I direct you to, open that page. Then, you can open another window on your PC. In the other window, you would go to your e-mail account. Open your e-mail and start writing an e-mail to me. This e-mail would have the answers to the 11 survey questions.

You could either write the answers on paper. Or, you could switch back and forth between the windows so that you can answer the questions. I like this e survey method. It saves trees.If you write the answers on paper, you could then just relay these answers to me via e-mail.

The answers could be typed up in the following ways:

Q. 1. Yes or Y - You could use whichever you like
Q. 2. No or N    

Or, you could write the answers as:

Q.1 Yes. Q.2. No 

I didn't type out the whole sequence of questions and answers. It's self explanatory. 

Here is a link to the survey.


You can e-mail the survey data to me at either of the following e-mail addresses.



Thursday, June 18, 2015

School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI Survey.

I have come up with a survey which can help me to ascertain whether a person can or cannot be a suitable student for SOTRI and/or for The Remote Influencer Training Program/me - TRITP. This is the first survey I have created. I will create more surveys over the course of time. Ideal candidates would answer yes to at least seven out of the eleven yes or no questions below. I can also send over a PDF version if you so desire. 

If you would like to complete the survey via e-mail - which would be the ideal method, please e-mail me over your answers. You could list the survey questions by number and you could write your yes or no answers next to the corresponding question numbers.

Q. 1. Do you create documents on topics of interest to you?


Q. 2. Do you use CD's, DVD's, USB flash drives, External Hard drives or your PC hard drive to store information onto?


Q. 3. Do you like to research topics which are of interest to you?


Q. 4. Do you think that learning and training can only happen through formal or traditional institutions, training providers etc?


Q. 5. Do you like to learn about things from the comfort of your own home?


Q. 6. Do you feel that research can only be conducted by phd's?


Q. 7. Do you use Facebook?


Q. 8. Have you occasionally found interesting info, links, posts etc through Facebook?


Q. 9. Do you find it challenging and/or stressful to complete projects you are assigned to?


Q. 10. When you are working on a project can you maintain focus?


Q. 11. Do you believe a person can improve themselves through their own self directed efforts?


Friday, May 29, 2015

School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, Educational Institution, Research Institute.

The idea for School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, came into existence while I was undertaking my basic research project: Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI. I am still continuing with my PTRI research project. However, I am now going to continue my work with PTRI through SOTRI. This is similar in some ways to universities. Many universities around the world participate in basic research.

I wrote a white paper/article which provides information to show how and why SOTRI is in fact an online educational institute and it is also a research institute. I can send over the PDF file for this paper to anyone interested in reading it. 

Here is a segment from this paper.

In SOTRI, students learn my Remote Influencing (RI) system in a self directed manner. At the same time, students are encouraged to work on an area of interest which is important to them. The reason behind this is: RI enhances learning potentials in students. RI helps people to excel in their chosen field, areas of interest, specialization etc.

Conclusion for this post.

SOTRI is not accredited at present. In all honesty, I do not have the funds to apply for accreditation. However, I aim to prove that valuable knowledge and skills can be gleaned through this school. My research can be read through my google blogs, google plus page, facebook pages, web links and articles, projects etc.

SOTRI embraces technology. In the days of old, students ( I see myself as a student and a teacher ) , would had to have created physical documents, educational artifacts  etc in order to show what they had learned. Nowadays, evidence of learning can be provided online via the internet. This work can be shared around the world with just a few clicks. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Remote Influencing (RI) Consulting & The Mastery of your RI Body of Knowledge.

I have two main aims for Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI. The first aim is to add to the Remote Influencing (RI) body of knowledge and to keep adding to the body of knowledge. The second aim is to use what I have learned to help society. RI is a powerful tool which can help to bring good into this world.

Here are some definitions of the term Body of Knowledge.

A body of knowledge ( Bok) is the complete set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional domain. 

Source: Wikepedia

The core teachings, skills and research in a field or industry. Mastery of the body of knowledge is 
generally demonstrated by passing rigorous examinations at single or multiple levels.

( I would say that a person could demonstrate what they have learned through RI in the form of real world tangible results : The achievement of targets and goals. Research projects etc. )

Since the required core competencies and skill sets for almost any profession evolves and changes over the years, its body of knowledge has to be dynamic.

Source: Investopedia

I have stated that there is much to learn when it comes to RI and that the learning can continue indefinitely. About a year ago I had looked up some definitions for science. One site said that there is no end to science. I noticed a connection between what I had stated and the definition for science. I had been intuitively guided to create my RI statement. 

Knowledge is power as the saying goes. Power is one of the RI 29 keys to success. When one undertakes RI, learning is of paramount importance. The RI body of knowledge is continually growing and evolving as you will come to discover. Even though there is much to learn in RI, I suggest not putting too much stress on yourself while undertaking this learning. A little stress is normal and expected though. Try not to think of the learning as a chore or an imposed task. Learning can be fun and exciting, challenging. It's good to challenge yourself on a regular basis. I use the self directed learning and unschooling approach for my RI  learning and for learning in general. I have done research into the aforementioned methods and have found that these learning methods have created deeper and more lasting learning for me. Even if you are currently being taught or trained in the traditional way, the self directed learning and unschooling methods will still be of great benefit to you.

I have found that playing the following roles can be very helpful in your independent RI research, learning and training: Researcher, Consultant, Coach, Teacher and Trainer. You can play these roles unto yourself and with your clients etc. For example, if you were helping a client with their learning, you would be their teacher and their trainer. You will benefit also when you play these roles. Through teaching and training others, you too will learn new things. 

I came up with the idea for School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, through the basic research project I had initiated in 2009, Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI. I am still undertaking PTRI at present. I am doing this work through SOTRI at present. Through my learning in SOTRI, I created a new and unique Remote Influencing consulting solution - The Remote Influencer Consulting Solution - TRICS. My intuition tells me that RI consulting is going to become popular in the coming years. There will be other Remote Influencers developing their own RI consulting solutions over the course of time. We can collaborate and work with each other so that our field grows.

I believe also that TRICS and other forms of RI consulting can fit in with and blend in with life coaching and psychotherapy. They can compliment one another. Similar in some ways to train the trainer and role playing, the main aim of TRICS is to consult with and to coach the client/s so that they strive to develop their RI body of knowledge as are we. 

Here is a link to a post I had written about RI consulting and how it can compliment life coaching and therapy.

Through developing my RI body of knowledge - this development is ongoing, I have found that when I set targets and goals etc, my ability to achieve success with these targets and goals have improved considerably. My problem recognition and problem solving skills have improved also. I am able to see things much more clearly too. The RI body of knowledge becomes a part of you. Your RI body of knowledge defines who you are and how you present yourself to the world.


If you master and keep mastering your RI body of knowledge, you will achieve and keep achieving great things.   

Friday, March 20, 2015

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, donations towards my research.

I began my basic research project, Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, in 2009. I came up with the unique idea for an online school in early 2010: School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI. The idea for SOTRI came about through my research involvement in PTRI. I will continue with PTRI but this time I will conduct the on going research through SOTRI. This is similar to universities in some ways. Most universities around the world are involved in basic research.

Here is a link to some info pertaining to PTRI through my web site.


I have been working with no outside funding for PTRI since its inception. I am now accepting donations for my research through a gofunding.com page I had set up recently. The donations are in UK Pounds. However, the gofunding.com page accepts most currencies. Gofunding is a safe and trusted site. I have tested the site by sending in a donation myself. It worked extremely well. It was quick also. If you would prefer to send in a donation via paypal, please e-mail me and I can then provide you with my paypal e-mail address.

Here is a link to my gofunding.com donation page.


I will give a percentage of any donation received to worthy charities such as ones related to Alzheimer's, cancer research etc.

Here is a link to my facebook PTRI community page.


The great thing about facebook pages is that they help to connect communities around the world. In this page I will be highlighting how PTRI can help society. PTRI can be replicated so as to provide participants with power to help communities across the world. The work will primarily be e-based.