Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Remotely Influenced Virtual Hug Therapy.

My creativity has been given a much needed boost recently. I have now created a new solution and tool which I have copyrighted: Remotely Influenced Virtual Hug Therapy - RIVHT. It's quite a long name. However, it could be shortened to: Remotely Influenced Hugs. I am sorry. I have not created a cover image for this new offering as of yet. Once I have done so, I will share it in this blog and in my sites and my other pages too.

I can provide my hug therapy work in person and remotely via the internet. I have written up a PDF file which provides more info on Remotely Influenced Virtual Hug Therapy. If you are interested in receiving a copy of this PDF, please e-mail me at: anand@schooloftheremoteinfluencer.com

RIVHT can be provided to people across the globe. If you have a PC with internet access, you can enjoy the great benefits that RIVHT provides. I had conducted a unique live experiment for RIVHT via my School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI Facebook page on July 13th 2016. Here is a link to the aforementioned Facebook page which documented my online experiment.
