Monday, February 29, 2016

Way of The Remote Influencer - WOTRI, online self-help support group.

I will be forming an online self-help support group through my Way of The Remote Influencer blog site:
I am a firm believer in the power of groups. I have written a chapter about Remote Influencing (RI) and groups in my book. Groups are powerful as they are. However, once RI has been infused into the group, the power of the group is magnified. The group becomes more powerful. Meaningful change and improvement can manifest itself through RI groups.

I suffer from anxiety. It can get pretty bad at times. I have been using Facebook as a hybrid support group. I have been exchanging Facebook e-mail messages with one of my friends. He suffers from anxiety too. I / we have found these online exchanges very helpful. I cannot disclose the name of my friend. It would be unethical and unprofessional of me to do such a thing. The great thing about this form of support is the fact that we are already using Facebook for our social interactions. We can remain logged into our Facebook accounts and we can also offer each other online support at the same time. During our support sessions, I / we have also provided each other with pertinent web links, articles etc.

The proposed support group can be hosted through my web site as listed above and/or it can also be hosted through my Facebook pages and/or my Google plus pages. I will also look into other support group platforms. Online support groups can be powerful tools in the healing process. My group will focus on anxiety and depression. It will also cover various life issues, situations etc. Personal development will play a part in this group as well. Remote Influencing (RI) is a form of personal development after all. This group is open to people across the globe. Distance is not a problem for people wanting to join this group.

Here is some great info on online support groups.

Support groups have long offered companionship and information for people coping with diseases or disabilities, and online situationally oriented groups have expanded to offer support for people facing various life circumstances, especially those involving personal and cultural relationships.

A convenient aspect of online support groups is the around the clock availability to its members. People can go online to blog or chat with others anytime of the day or night. There are no time constraints like there potentially would be with an in-person support group with scheduled meetings. Access to help is always available with online support groups.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Remote Influencing (RI) Self-Experiment and the implications it has for science.

I began PTRI as a basic research project. I am still working on PTRI as an ongoing basic research project. However, I am also conducting self-experiments under the same banner. I am balancing the two activities through trial and error. I have found that these two activities can blend in with and they can compliment each other. 

One of the by products from my Remote Influencing (RI) research, learning and training - PTRI, was the fact that I had found that I had become smarter, more creative, and a  better learner through these practices. As mentioned in previous posts, I came up with the idea for School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, and more recently, Way of The Remote Influencer - WOTRI, through the work I had been doing under PTRI.

The science world will benefit from exploring what can be done through PTRI. If people can enhance their learning potentials, become smarter, more creative, better problem solvers etc, imagine the advances that can be made in the world. PTRI helps people to become better at whatever it is that they do. My working memory has been given a boost too. 

The great thing about PTRI is that it can be done online without having to spend any or much money at all. If you have access to a PC and the internet, you will have the tools necessary to take part in this project. This project can be replicated quite easily. I will write more about this project in future 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Way of The Remote Influencer - WOTRI, E-Monks.

I came up with a new piece of literary work a few days ago. I have named this work, E-Monk. I have copy righted this PDF file as well.

According to some online research I had conducted, a literary work can even be as small as a single page of text. If you are interested in receiving a copy of this PDF file, please contact me via my
email address:

I do not have an email address set up through my WOTRI blog site.

Here is a link to some more info on the above topic.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Way of The Remote Influencer - WOTRI, Online Monastery.

As you are aware, I have been following a monk like way of life for several years now. I opened a Wordpress blog site for my new Way of The Remote Influencer online monastery on February 8th 2016. I bought the domain name for this new organization too:

I decided to use the acronynm instead of spelling it all out - WOTRI. The Remote Influencer is a powerful archetype of the future. I am developing myself and others into The Remote Influencer through School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI and Way of The Remote Influencer - WOTRI.

The Remote Influencer is a monk. He or she, The Remote Influencer can be a man or a woman, is also a healer, leader, researcher, consultant, coach, teacher, trainer and a change agent. This list is not set in stone. It is evolving and expanding over the course of time. You might ask how one would become The Remote Influencer. The answer is: Through worship, research, learning and training.

One of the greatest advantages of becoming a monk through WOTRI, is: You will learn how to make good things happen for yourself and others. There is much to learn when it comes to becoming a WOTRI monk. However, it is well worth the effort. I will write more about WOTRI in future posts.

Here are the links to my WOTRI blog site and my WOTRI Facebook page.