I am in the process of looking for employment and I am working on my own business idea at present. On Sunday December 13th 2015, I had typed up a PDF file titled: SOTRI basic business model. I was scheduled to meet with a business adviser regarding my proposed business idea - School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, on Monday December 14th 2015. I had created the PDF file as aforementioned, to take with me to show the adviser.
Here are some of the things I had written in my PDF file.
I am following SOTRI myself, as a self-experiment of sorts. I have become smarter and more creative, more confident etc through the research, learning and training I am doing through my school. My work will testify to this fact.
Here is one of the 10 bullet points I had written in my PDF file.
- The key word here is 'remote'. I promote remote working, freelancing, independent contracting.
I was not chosen to be in the new enterprise allowance scheme. My adviser told me that I needed to do more research for my proposed SOTRI business. I agree with his advice. If anyone is interested in reading my PDF file, please feel free to contact me via my e-mail address:
Here's how I had predicted certain events and outcomes through SOTRI.
Yesterday, Monday December 14th 2015, I had received a call back from one of the jobs I had applied to. The company I had applied to provides web sites and related products and services to small and mid sized businesses. The director of the company was considering hiring me on a freelance basis for independent sales development work in the new year, 2016. My bullet point above, proves that I had intuitively predicted an event happening in the future. I keep a record of the RI work that I do and I also document my ideas in PC files. I suggest to my students that they do the same. It's a worthwhile process to undertake. You can keep a track of how your RI is working when you do this.
I had written about independent contracting in my ATO consulting blog a while back too. Even though I did not get approved to be in the new enterprise allowance scheme, I am still confident that SOTRI does work, and it works well too. I will grow SOTRI independently and organically. Article 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, states the following:
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
I believe I can help myself, others, events, situations and outcomes through the research, learning and training I am undertaking through SOTRI. This is part of what I believe. Therefore, I will continue my work with SOTRI. Regardless of whether I ever receive funding for SOTRI or not, I will still provide my research, consulting, freelance, independent contracting work for clients, as this is part of the work I provide though the SOTRI umbrella, and it is part of my belief system as well.