Bullying is a widescale issue which needs addressing. It happens in schools and in the workplace. In fact, it happens in many areas of life. In this article, I will be focusing upon school bullying and my proposed solutions to this problem.
People say that bullying in schools is a normal rite of passage. I do not agree with this statement. Research has shown that bullying can lead to many psychological and even physical health problems. People have even committed suicide as a result of bullying. Many schools seem to turn a blind eye to the bullying issue. I grew up in the UK. I attended high school in the UK. When I first started high school, I had high aspirations. I wanted to study hard to become a scientist when I was older. My dreams were squashed. Bullying was the reason for this. I endured severe and repeated bullying in my first year at high school. I took the bullying without fighting back in the first year. From the second year onward, I began fighting back and defending myself. I devoted time to physical training, martial arts and boxing training. I did these things as a way to prepare myself for the bullies. The sad thing was that my education suffered as a result of the time I had been spending in my physical training. How is a student expected to learn when they are being bullied on a daily basis?
My bad experiences at high school had made me lose trust in formal educational environments. I wish I had been home schooled. This is one of the reasons I created School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI.
Here are my proposed solutions to address school bullying.
- Parents and members of the community should form private patrol groups for the school. This can be done outside the school grounds after school. Many acts of bullying occur after school.
- Bullying support groups could be created at school.
- Anti bullying seminars could be set up in the community. Bullies and their victims could attend the seminar/s.
- Tough drill sergeant types should be brought in to school to talk to the bullies and to show the bullies how it feels to be bullied - I based this idea upon one of the solutions implemented through the Montel Williams show.
- Educational videos relating to the bullying problem can be shown at schools.
I hope my solutions were of help to you. These solutions could be modified and/or improved upon if necessary.