Monday, August 12, 2013

The Remote Influencer Consulting Solution - TRICS: Updated info.

TRICS is a form of consulting which is evolving and growing, adapting over time. As you might be aware by now, creativity plays a big part in my RI system. I have infused creativity into just about every aspect of my RI system. I have also come to realize that the learning involved in RI can continue perpetually.

TRICS can fit in with and can compliment counsel/ling and life coaching.

The purpose of counsel/ling.

The purpose of counselling is to give you the tools to be solution creator in your own life. It is to help you learn how to how to deal with your difficulties and resolve them as quickly as possible.

  • Gives you the tools to be your own solution creator.
  • Teaches you how to deal with your difficulties and resolve them as quickly as possible.
  • Helps you objectively look at behaviors, feelings and thoughts in situations that you find problematic and to learn more effective ways in dealing with those situations.

What is life coaching?

Life coaching and personal coaching are interchangeable terms - they mean the same. Life coaching aims to draw out a person's potential rather than put aims and knowledge from outside. It develops rather than imposes. It reflects rather than directs.
Effective life coaching is a form of change facilitation - it enables people, rather than trains them.

The aim of TRICS is to show clients how they can learn how to become a Remote Influencing (RI) consultant, coach and trainer unto themselves. In some ways it is similar to ' train the trainer'. When you look at the above definitions, you will see discover that learning plays a huge part in TRICS. Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of an individual.

I have used TRICS for myself and it has helped me tremendously. For example, I came to realize that I had been given clues or insights on what life path I was to choose from an early age. I am also receiving insights at present. These insights can come in forms such as situations, feelings, coincidences, synchronicities etc. When you become proficient with TRICS, you will recognize and act upon these insights effectively.  As you continue to add to the RI body of knowledge, you will gain the skills and knowledge with which to become your own problem solver.  

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Remote Influencing (RI) 29 Keys to Success.

As you may already know, I developed my own Remote Influencing (RI) system back in Sunnyvale, California in 2002. There are other forms of RI in existence. From here on, when I refer to RI, I will be referring the RI system I created. I am adding to the RI body of knowledge on a continuous basis. There is much to learn when it comes to RI. RI blends in with other spiritual, self-help systems, techniques etc. However, I suggest mastering RI first and then one can explore other systems etc. This blending in of other systems, adds to evolution of RI. After all, if a system is bound by dogma and not open to change, it will not become as powerful as it could.

I have unique methods, techniques, philosophies in RI. I also have 6 RI focusing points and 29 RI keys to success within this RI system. The 6 RI focusing points, the 29 keys and the methods, techniques and philosophies are all connected and interconnected. They link back to each other also. Here are the 29 keys:

  1. Determination
  2. Dedication
  3. Discipline
  4. Hard work
  5. Belief
  6. Faith
  7. Willpower
  8. Power
  9. Influence
  10. Communication
  11. Plans and planning
  12. Truth
  13. Persuasion
  14. Bravery
  15. Optimism
  16. Self confidence
  17. Creativity
  18. Persistence
  19. Ambition
  20. Strategy
  21. Charisma
  22. Healing
  23. Balance
  24. Attitude
  25. Goals
  26. Intentions
  27. Transformation
  28. Initiation
  29. Focus
My RI system is made up of all of the 29 keys. The 29 keys to success are also part of the 6 RI focusing points. In fact, the 29 keys is the second RI focusing point. Some people have asked me if they too need to follow the 29 keys. I know that it can seem like quite a few keys. However, it would be good if one were to master these keys initially. Once you have mastered these 29 keys, you could come up with your own keys if you so desire. You could have less keys also if you prefer.

Some of the 29 keys expand into vast areas. For example, power. Power can include knowledge and it can also mean the power of expertise. However, knowledge alone cannot always be a guarantee of success. If you master the other 29 keys also, you will be more likely to attain the success you seek. Einstein once quoted: Imagination is more important than knowledge. That is why the remote influencer should use their knowledge creatively. When one undertakes an RI session, they must be able to maintain a high level of focus. If their mind wanders, the RI they are working on will not work. I have written an article on the 6 RI focusing points and the 29 RI keys to success. This article is in PDF format. If you are interested in receiving this PDF file, please contact me and I will send it to you at no cost.

Here is a web link to a segment from my book:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I am a home based urban monk.

The above is a jpg photo of my ordained minister's license. Instinctively, I have been following a monk like existence for many years now. I received the above license last August 2012. I decided to follow my own unique form of monkhood as of August 10th 2012. I will follow this way of life until I decide otherwise. I may keep up these practices throughout my life. I do not need a fancy building in which to worship. I follow my practices from my humble abode and out in the world at large, also.

My form of monkhood is not bound by dogma. It is evolving and it is open to change. It's not easy to place a firm label on my monastic way of life. I have spoken with a few friends and family members about views related to my monkhood beliefs, philosophies etc. This resulted in some of my friends and family members giving me strange looks and rolling their eyes at me as though I were crazy. People fear what they don't understand. The main thing is that I can help myself and many others through my beliefs. People are allowed to follow their own religious and philosophical beliefs. Here is a link to a site which gives more info on these universal rights:

If I were to put a name to my monastic way of life, I would label it as such: I am a home based urban monk. I incorporate Remote Influencing in my monastery. I am developing will power, focus, discipline, knowledge, power, healing and faith as a result of my monkhood practices. Incidentally, willpower, focus, discipline, power, healing and faith are part of my 29 Remote Influencing keys. I will provide more info on the 29 RI keys in a future post.

Getting back to the universal rights above, people are allowed to follow their own beliefs, so long as no one is being harmed as a result of those beliefs etc. I have written an interesting article which draws comparisons between monkhood and research. This article is in PDF format. If you're interested in reading this article, please e-mail me and I can then send the article to you.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, Facebook page.

Hi fellow Remote Influencing (RI) fans. I am sorry I haven't been posting for a while. I have been busy with some research. I believe that the internet can be a powerful tool for remote influencers. I have written a chapter about this topic in my book. Powerful RI energies can be transmitted via the already powerful internet. RI enhances the power of the internet. I have sent my RI energies via the internet on several occasions. The recipients of this RI work had reported that they had felt some extra energy within themselves and within situations they had encountered.

I have created a Facebook page for SOTRI. I am very impressed with the functionality of facebook. For example, great information, links, documents and videos etc can be sent and posted via facebook groups. These groups can be accessed worldwide by anyone with access to the internet. Here is a link to my facebook SOTRI group:

SOTRI is an online alternative school and it is a school of thought. SOTRI is based in essence upon the self directed learning model and distance education. Students will learn my RI system through self study. They will also be encouraged to create a learning project based upon their area of interest. The idea is that RI can and will enhance learning potentials in students. In SOTRI, the lines between student and teacher are blurred. A teacher can be a student and vice versa. I can help students with their learning and training. Students will learn how to become their own teacher, trainer, consultant and coach. I have also incorporated elements of consulting, coaching and training into SOTRI. SOTRI is evolving. It is not dogmatic in nature and it is open and receptive to change.

In have initiated several unique learning projects via SOTRI. I will be more than glad to share some of this info with you. Feel free to contact me and I can send you the info.

There are no fees to join my facebook SOTRI group/school.