Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remote Influencing Training

I believe that we all have within us, remote influencing powers and potentials. It is just a matter of cultivating and developing these abilities through diligent training and practice. I have been using the training approach for many years. I have also worked as an independent consultant for an E Learning company in Sunnyvale California, E - University for 2 yrs.

Most training programs have a beginning and an ending for their training. I look upon my RI training as an ongoing process with no set schedules - I will follow my RI training throughout my life. I may alter or add different methods etc to my training as needed. Nothing worthwhile learning can be mastered overnight. I had read an interesting article which had compared Remote Viewing to a mental martial art. I see a connection with RI. RI could also be considered a mental and spiritual martial art. It is hard to place a firm label on RI.

The power of Focus is essential if we are to attain success with RI. When one sets a target, goal or need, they will have to use 100% focus in order to attain success with their required need. RI takes practice, but it is well worth the effort involved. There are manys ways to develop focus. I would suggest meditation, visualization and other focusing exercises. I have developed a unique focusing exercise for RI. Contact me via e-mail and I will gladly pass this info on to you.

I have placed a cross hairs symbol into this article. I do not advocate hunting or war. I used this symbol to highlight the importance of focus in RI.